Wednesday, August 02, 2006


talking 'bout the travelling 34 blues
in the summer swelter of a detroit
august in the year of our Lord two
thousand and six... spent some time
floating on little big Erie with old frinds
and canadian perch... thank you to
Swabooze and the scraped up scrappy
Huff! also dipped down to the rescue
mission 'cross from the ole Zeitgeist:
Nora sang for lost souls and her dad
fed the throng- a truly moving night
and me i'm just moving on and on
closed out star wars fun with a cast
of tremendous humans and started
up closer in canada with and entirely
different crew and way to do. i ain't
seen the proof yet but AAk is said to
be back in the Great Lakes State...
maybe we'll raise some cain strip our
hearts and lay his daughter down for
a nap. the countdown is on and my
sho'ty is soon to be in grand Siam
miss miss miss miss miss miss miss
what fantastic gal i've found myself
mixed up with! and Chivo, if yer out
there a wandering a great big hallo to
you... ain't nothin wrong with gypsy
much love to roberto more water on
the way... sleep tight my friends in
arizona we'll send you some humidity

mi casa sioux indian

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