Friday, June 30, 2006

Down the hall julip blues for the stars and stripes impaired while stomping on hamtramck stage bless you boys

All Childish Things opened to rave reviews and we're into our second weekend
Theater is a tough draw in the summer... especially on sundays and here for the
holiday weekend.
having a great time with the show and following the Tigers atop the Major Leagues

I'm going mobile... well not really
i'm moving down the hall in my building... from #38 to #35
a bigger apartment with several more amenities (sp?)
so... when i'm not playing a gangster on stage this weekend i'll be hoofing stuff down
the hall. twill be nice

also... had some work done on the Junior Julip... alternator... it's back in super action

idiots were letting off fireworks after midnight in the neighborhood... i do not like

what was it mr. macgowan said... "God bless America... not!"

i say God Bless Humanity without discrimination

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


the oilers are dead... long live the oilers
what a playoffs... PLAYOFFS!

Monday, June 19, 2006

what can i say about Joon...
crunch time with the new play. tech was supposed to start yesterday but the theater was not ready... so all was cancelled. i miraculously stayed away from Bloody Marys at the Bronx and watched some soccer and baseball with Roady. (we watched it on the spanish channel, much more exciting) furthermore... we get the news that we can't have a real rehearsal tonight because of the Monday Night Improv (which seems to be a universal imperative). Life is always a give and take-- while i am filled with apall (sp?) at this prospect since we are terribly under rehearsed, i am filled somehwat with joy at the chance tonight to watch game seven of the stanley cup playoffs... viva la edmonton! may God have mercy on our show.

saw Bruce Springsteen perform on saturday night. great seats, great sounds, great company
thanx Hawk
played the hell out of some Americana... some of the favorites ma and pa used to sing

Erie Canal
Froggie went a Courtin
John Henry

to name a few... had an incredible band with him. a horn section that just wailed! finished the night of all out jamming with a subdued and silent version of When the Saints go Marching In

oh lordy lordy

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

a magical mystery collage of myself courtesy of the esteemed mr. daniel roth

Scene Missing

woke up with the world
underneath my tongue
and got to thinking bout
my girl all 'cross town
and though i try and try
whiskey just ain't romantic
and i'll never really be Irish
so i'll shake strife from
my elbows and my knees
and clear evil from my taste
it's early on a tuesday and
i'm not quite conscious

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Pometonica Bradidium

robert Z and i still trade poetry... he sent me an electronic mail the other day
with the title "i am quitting breakfast" he was just sending me news about
his day to day and it turned into these poems:

i am quitting breakfast
smooth rain running
over rough glass
i am quitting breakfast
rough thoughts searching
over smooth legs
i am quitting breakfast
say hello to the day for me

rough telegraph

peppermill balloons
belching under
clouds on the run
soft expiration

wet newspaper
stuffed in the mouths
of bulls
sea foam blood
gasping collapse

a frayed extension cord
down a drain
arm wrestling a fuse

my money
a rubber hammer
an ironing board
used to surf

I quit breakfast
and the no use mutalation
and roosters
flash frozen

a day
fairly named: pinata
a clear the bleachers

i never got the message
lines gave way to
shifts and cracks along
surfaces used for standing
with all the lights of treason
championing my imperfection
i had to guess
what it was you wanted
what it was you needed
what it was you gave away
a whispered word and
touch along the shoulder
an apology from deep
inside my guts
a length of rope long enough
to tie our hearts apart
i read it in the news today
you skipped for the other coast

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