Wednesday, November 09, 2005


terrific time last night. had dinner with nora in ann arbor then met up with hawk and his buddy phil at the Michigan theatre (last time i was there was for the premeire of Fading starring Johh Hawkinson Jessica Cloud and Myself... or was it the Vanishing? "we'll make eggs, do coke") for the jeff tweedy solo show... Tremendous. his drummer opened with a percussion set and then tweedy took over for some brilliant laid back heart felt acoustic action... can you handle the hot hot heat?!?!? truly a Silver Cloud of an evening...
i then awoke to THE CITY OF IDIOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
detroit re-elected mr. kwame kilthecitypatrick. as astonished as when the international thug george W regained power! America has a love affair with Idiots!
we need a hard rain to wash the filth from our city offices and make us clean again.
maybe it would be safer in France right now

When will our revolution come?

Perhaps our revolution will come when someone steps up to accept the job of "The Detroit Sniper." Actually I probably souldn't be talking about this on the internet. So..uhm..yea, Mr....Louis G...Bosco signing off.
It was a smashing revolution, like a big balloon filled with helium, and up it went... off, blowing over Canada, crossing the pond, by the Great Wall, and back again- by the thousand, pressed out in Taiwan. Everyone can have their own now; and the one I got plays music, and has a warranty- its simply tops. And I can play it over and over and over again without wearing out the picture quality. here, you can check it out; but don't break it. It was expensivvvvv.
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