Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Dogs, Hams, Ants and Broadway

well... things went off without a hitch at the livonia
zoo. for the most part... dogs might as well be kids.

hitting the rehearsal stretch for Two Men in a Box
which will officially open September 9th at Planet
Ant Theatre in Hamtramck.

also started meetings for a show which will open the last
weekend in Rocktober. The Dead Eye Boy through
BreatheArt theatre company at 1515 Broadway.
Believe me... my intent was and is never to act on Broadway.

world famous actor and folk singer Robert Grossman once said:
"The big time is for people who couldn't make it in the small time!"
(he's in New York now)
he also has been quoted as saying:
"I am a vegetarian but once a year I am seduced by ham."

to continue the leaps and bounds... steve swassey once blew up
a ham on Hickory Island. it was a glorious sight!

I was there for the "hamplosion"--it was amazing. I also remember playing the time-honored sport of "stair sledding" using humans as sleds.
i believe at the time it was called
"crocodiling" and i think schneider
won for having the most people travel down the stairs on his back!
(or was it aligatoring?)
pork alwyas gets me too. Bacon in particular.
what about pork wrapped in bacon?
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